Driving The Narrative: #ReuniteUS.

We believe that deportation is an extreme consequence for a paperwork problem. Separation from one’s family, home, job, and community is earth-shattering. The Biden administration has the power to bring deported people back to their lives in the United States, it just needs the will!

Working with a group of more than 250 people who were recently deported, the Ohio Immigrant Alliance is employing tactics we use at Anacaona to educate the broader public about the problem AND the solution. Through storytelling and connections to people who have been through the detention and deportation machine, we are working to reach hearts and build grassroots support for bold policy change.

In December 2023, we published “Broken Hope: Deportation and the Road Home,” a book about the people involved in #ReuniteUS and the paths that the Executive Branch can widen to allow them to come home. Download the e-book for free, pick up a paperback copy, and listen to audio summaries in English, French, and Fulani!

We’ve also pitched stories to Reuters, the Columbus Dispatch; and other major media. Our #ReuniteTV YouTube Channel features video perspectives from deported people. #ReUniteSpeaks connects deported people to serve as paid consultants for community groups or others who could benefit from their expertise. We have so much more in store; follow and get involved here!